Stories from my 14-month study abroad in Buenos Aires, my 16-month post-college move to Miami, and my get-me-the-hell-out-of-Miami move to Denver

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Gipsy King Moment

Do you ever have those times where at one moment you're feeling shitty, then you turn on a good Gipsy King song, open WordReference, and you feel like you can actually learn this language? It's pretty cool. Hopefully it stays.

I've come to realize one thing. I've got to make things happen here. I can't expect Argentine friends to fall into my lap and conversation on the streets to just happen. I need to break out of my comfort zone and start making conversation. It's kind of like picking up girls, except I don't want their number, I just want them to be nice to me and speak slowly.

Back to writing!

Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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