Stories from my 14-month study abroad in Buenos Aires, my 16-month post-college move to Miami, and my get-me-the-hell-out-of-Miami move to Denver

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Get Out Your Frying Pan!!!

As Chiara and I got out of class this evening, we began our 30 block walk home. As we're walking down Avenida Sante Fe, we notice an unusually large amount of people banging pots and pans in the windowsills and streets. After asking numerous people what the reason for this was, and getting answers that had the words "Kirschner" and "Gobierno" in them, we finally made it home. The fam was nice enough to tell me that it is because the president, Cristina Kirschner had renounced the farmer strike and would not negociated with them. Carlos, my 45 year old brother, said it was also about many other government things, but they just needed a good reason to get out and march.

Well, outside our dinner window, people started to gather, and I had to go out there and get involved. I come from a small, working-class city. I understand the plight of the underpaid farmer. So, with my pot and beater in hand, I marched with around 150 people for about 20 blocks. I think they were heading to Playa de Mayo to continue their march, but I had homework to do and had to head home.

I have a video of the march I'll post very soon. Until then, enjoy the picture.

Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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