Stories from my 14-month study abroad in Buenos Aires, my 16-month post-college move to Miami, and my get-me-the-hell-out-of-Miami move to Denver

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Goodbye Bartending...Hello Freedom!

After much thought about the issue, I quit my bartending job, on very good terms, at Portezuelo yesterday. Working 4 nights a week, from 9pm until 6am, and then sleeping until 3pm in the afternoon was really taking its toll on me. I was definitely spending more time in the bar than I was with my friends, and seeing as I only have a couple months left here, I feel spending time with them is worth it. Three nights a week to do something just isnt enough when you´ve got friends scattered all over the city. My boss was very understanding and said, "Of course Patrick, you´re working like an Argentine rather than a foreigner living in Argentina. You need to take advantage of the time you have left."

So, all is well, and I´m very happy with my decision. I did exactly what I wanted to do though. I got a job to do something with my free time, made friends, made some money, and had a good time. Now, if I want to make a little cash, I can always pick up a few Event Bartending gigs with the company I worked for in December. However, now that I´m free, I´m going to restart my salsa classes that I had to stop because of the hernia surgery back in June, spend more time with my friends, explore the city on bicycle, and start reading and studying more. Three months of personal enrichment.

Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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