Stories from my 14-month study abroad in Buenos Aires, my 16-month post-college move to Miami, and my get-me-the-hell-out-of-Miami move to Denver

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Who Are Porteños?

Porteños are some of the nicest people I have ever met. Case in point:

Who will give a yankee directions to an obvious location and answer with a smile?

A Porteño

Who would offer you their last cigarette, even if the nearest Kiosko was only one block away?

A Porteño

Who would invite you to a River Plate soccer match on Sunday if you've just met in a park on Saturday?

A Porteño

Who would let you look around their shop and ask questions for twenty minutes without buying a single thing, and send you off with a gracious thank you?

A Porteño

Who would hear your accent and in the next breath ask where you're from with great interest?

A Porteño

Who still enjoys the art of conversation and makes it a daily point to have coffee and talk with friends?

A Porteño

And for all those "fatty on the inside but skinny on the outside people"

Who makes the best damn empanadas in the entire world?

A Porteño

Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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