Stories from my 14-month study abroad in Buenos Aires, my 16-month post-college move to Miami, and my get-me-the-hell-out-of-Miami move to Denver

Saturday, April 12, 2008


I came to Buenos Aires because I was angry with school. I was sick of the Carlson mentality. I couldn't handle the "Corporate Backstabbing 101" and "How to Fire Employees and Save Money" classes. I was sick of people bragging about there Target, Best Buy, Wells Fargo, Cargil, etc etc etc internships.

I came to Buenos Aires because I needed a new challenge: Spanish. English is just too easy. You will never understand what it means to take your language ability for granted until a 8 year old can outwit you in daily conversation.

I came to Buenos Aires because I was getting pent up in Minneapolis. Gran Buenos Aires has 13 million people. I love MSP, but it was just time for a change.

I came here for the right reasons. I suggest you get out of your comfort zone too. It's horrible, it's amazing, it's enlightening, and you'll learn a lot. And guess what, I have 8 months left!!!

Besitos a Todos! I'm going to make some friends.

Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

brothaaa.... i do think that the next entry should be about these mysterious argentine women that everybody goes wild over... tell us about them! i still can't stop laughing about the grandma ruby entry... a follow up on that would be great too!