Stories from my 14-month study abroad in Buenos Aires, my 16-month post-college move to Miami, and my get-me-the-hell-out-of-Miami move to Denver

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Life Is Great...Version 2.0

I just got back from looking at the apartment...amazing! I met one of my future roomates, Eugenio, and two of his friends were over hanging out. Nice apartment, and they´re in the process of painting it right now. I´ll have my own room with lots of sunlight every day, and a 9th floor view too. After the quick apartment tour, all of us sat in the living room, drank a couple Fernet and Cokes, and just chatted for about an hour. Both of the roommates are from Buenos Aires, and the two friends lived two neighborhoods away. I envision lots of warm summer nights hanging out at city parks in the future. This will be PERFECT to increase my Porteño vocabulary, and really experience an Argentine summer. On top of that, work is going fantastic. I´m starting to really mesh with my coworkers at the bar. I get along with my mangers well, and they know that I´m a hard worker and good at what I do. Plus, I´m getting some very valuable experience that I can bring back to Minneapolis. I couldnt have asked for anything more!

ps- This past weekend, my friend Mariel invited me to her family´s Sunday asado(bbq) and I have a bunch of pictures to post. Soon to come.

Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when r u going yo upload the pics? me and my father are anxiously waitng to c them...........
beso amigo semi-porteño!
Maru and family! :P