Stories from my 14-month study abroad in Buenos Aires, my 16-month post-college move to Miami, and my get-me-the-hell-out-of-Miami move to Denver

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The First Week

Sorry for the delay in posting. No worries though, I've got quite a few posts in the queue.

First, to give you a little rundown about my first week in Miami. It's been great!

Imagine leaving a city of dirty snow, cold weather, and an unrelenting wind, and arriving in a city with palm trees, a salty ocean breeze and temperatures around 75* every day. Yeah, it's great. I've spent my last few days biking around on my roommate's bike, going to the beach and tanning, eating Cuban sandwiches, and all around enjoying myself. Every day has been filled with new discoveries, be it fun little cafes, gorgeous neighborhoods, mildly scary neighborhoods, and everything in between.

I ordered a new road bike last week and it's supposed to arrive Wednesday. I'm stoked. Having a true road bike will make my urban exploration journeys even more fruitful. Speaking of fruit in a different sense, I'm excited to start nabbing fresh morsels during my bike rides. Today I saw what appeared to be a guava plant, and I'm sure there are plenty of vitamin C-rich oranges in the southern 'burbs of Miami, ripe for the picking. What better way to replenish myself on a long ride than eating as I go?!?

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